
Native California Plants

Summer Hours: 10am-5pm (3pm on 95 degree+ days)

The Mountain Sage nursery features a wide selection California native & non-native drought tolerant annuals, perrenials, trees and shrubs. Stop by the nursery to learn more about native California plants, planting for drought & fire resilience, & how to start your own garden.

Stop by to peruse our flowering plants such as salvias, lavenders, spirea, dogwoods, as well as evergreen trees such as ponderosa pine, cedars, and a variety oak trees. We have annual and perennial flowers, succulents, vines for pots and gardens, and vegetables, herbs, and fruit trees. View our selection of pottery.

We carry fertilizers, tree wraps, soil moisture meters, deer and gopher repellant, and other tools you can use to maintain a healthy landscape.

The Water Toolkit

Many local strategies or “tools” to conserve water and be drought and fire resilient are right in your backyard, or at your doorstep. Using the right tool can help to achieve many goals for you, as well as your neighborhood, and watershed. Visit the Water Toolkit to learn more about drought resilience and how to join the Land Resilience Partnership!

“The earth laughs in flowers.’

— Ralph Waldo Emerson